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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-08
A Reflection on Breast Cancer Screening Strategies in Jordan Status
Khaled Abu Rummn , Mohammad Ahmad Abu Al’anaz , Mohammed Hasan Alfugaha, Fadi Maaita, Hamzeh Mohammad Qasimeh, Haneen Qasim Al Shadowh, Ola Mohammad Al Waqfi, Hajem ‘Mohammad Ali’ A
Published: Aug. 20, 2021 | 150 106
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i08.009
Pages: 439-442
Background: Breast cancer is a wide spread clinical problem, early detection and diagnosis is the most significant strategies in reducing morbidity, this study aims on identifying the efficacy of Jordanian royal medical services screening program on the prompt diagnosis. Method: A retrospective analysis of data in the years 2016/2017, ethical approval obtained, data collected include: names, diagnosis, surgical intervention, tumour size, lymphovascular involvement, and histopathological features. Analysis of data used Microsoft statistical package EXCELL 2010. Results: Of data gathered 49% were diagnosed on early stage with no lymphovascular invasion, 71.4% where with invasive tumours, excised tumour size ranged 0.1 to 14 cm with 3.769cm ±2.56cm; mean ± SD, and 17.68% HERE2 positive tumours, and 51% of cases presented with right sided tumours. Conclusion: The result indicated a tendency leaning toward early detection, hinting efficacy of screening strategies, yet was suboptimal when compared at international level indicating further emphasis should be placed on screening strategies.