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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-08
Outcome Following Breast Conservative Surgery for Early Breast Cancer at NICRH
Mithun K, Setabur R, Hossian MA, Habibullah Q, Nurujjaman S
Published: Aug. 23, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i08.011
Pages: 446-450
1. Introduction: Breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage as a result of population screening programs, which facilitate the possibility of organ- preservation. One of the methods of breast cancer control is a breast conserving surgery (BCS). Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to assess the early outcome following breast conservative surgery for early breast cancer. Methods: This observational study was conducted in the Department of Surgical Oncology at National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka from January 2018 to December 2019. Within the period, total 46 cases of early breast cancer that has the inclusion criteria were taken as sample after informed consent. All the data were compiled and sorted properly and the quantitative data were analyzed statistically by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS-26). Result: In present study, mean (±SD) volume of resected specimen was 49.54(±8.51) cm, mean (±SD) volume of tumor 20.22(±5.04) cm and mean (±SD) margin was 0.65 (40.24) cm. Only 2 (4.35%) subjects had developed wounds infection, 1 (2.17%) had hematoma and 2 (4.35%) had seroma. All of study people were treated conservatively. Among the study subjects, disfigurements of breast were developed in 7 (15.22%) cases. Locoregional recurrence was noted in 3 (6.52%) cases and locoregional with lung metastasis was noted in 1 (2.17%) case. Of the 46 patients was assessed using BRA, the scores were good to excellent, fair and poor 30 (65.22%), 15 (32.61%) and 1(1%) respectively. ND scored 19. (41.30%) as good to excellent, 13 (28.26%) as fair and 14 (30.43%) as poor. Using panel assessment 26 (56.52%) scored good to excellent, 16 (34.78%) scored fair and 4 (8.69%) scored poor. Conclusion: Itcan be concluded that breast conservative surgery gives satisfactory outcome in early breast cancer.