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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Diagnosis & Management of Labiogingival Groove: A Case Report
Dr. Sheza Shanavas
Published: Aug. 24, 2021 | 156 97
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2021.v08i07.011
Pages: 243-246
Labiogingival groove is a congenital morphologic dental anomaly, in which an infolding of the inner enamel epithelium and Hertwig's epithelial root sheath create a groove extending varying depth into root. Epithelial attachment can be breached by gingival irritation secondary to plaque accumulation creating a periodontal defect. A 24-year-old boy reported with the complaint of a dull gnawing pain from labial gingival surface in the maxillary left central incisor for 2 to 3 months. Intraoral examination revealed inflamed gingiva with loss of contour in relation to maxillary left central incisor. A diagnosis of localised periodontitis was given and required treatment was carried out. On exposure of the involved tooth, a labiogingival groove was noticed which could have been a contributing factor for the increased disease activity at the concerned site.