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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-12
Comparison of FTSG & STSG in Post Burn Flexion Contracture of Digits in Pediatric Age Group
Ashim Kumar Roy, Akshay Kapoor, Kaushal Priya Anand, Ankit Kayal, Charu lata bansal
Published: Oct. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2017.3.12.3
Pages: 310-314
Post burn scarring of the hand in children mostly leads to flexion contracture
involving the digits. The mainstay of management is release of fibrotic band with either
STSG or FTG cover. Children of age (1-10yrs) with Mc Cauleys grade 3A & 4A were
planned to undergo release of contracture with K wire fixation and graft cover.
Children with single finger involvement were given FTG while rest of cases had
combination of FTG and STSG. Significant rates of graft failure were found in the FTG
group while the STSG group had higher rates of secondary contracture. In cases of
flexion contractures in more than 3 fingers it is better to perform a STSG and follow a
strict splinting protocol. If secondary contracture occurs it can be managed by FTG. For
single fingers it is better to perform a FTG in the first setting itself.