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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-9 | Issue-07
Assessment of Wastewater Irrigation Practices and Soil Properties in the Gazipur District of Bangladesh
Parves M, Islam MS, Biswas SK
Published: Aug. 29, 2021 | 203 138
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2021.v09i07.003
Pages: 93-101
The study deals with the assessment of wastewater irrigation practices and soil properties in connection with demographic information, availability of water sources, health hazards and the benefit-cost analysis in the Gazipur district of Bangladesh. A questionnaire survey was carried out to collect data on farmers' perceptions and responses to mainly agricultural production issues. It found that most respondents used wastewater because they had no alternative sources and sank their land during rush hour as well as the rainy season due to the lack of a proper wastewater disposal system by adjacent industries. The majority of respondents had skin problems from working with wastewater. No significant benefits were found from using direct wastewater in the fields. Irrigation costs could be reduced, however, fertilizer costs as well as the total cost of plant production were not adequate. The farmers did not get as much grown grain as they wanted. In addition, indirect wastewater users were rated better compared to direct users from the drainage canal. Farmers' perception showed that no major impact on the consumption of crops was noted, but rather the long-term use of wastewater in the field, which gradually reduced crop production and affected soil fertility. To evaluate Ca ++, Mg ++, K +, N, P, Cu, Pb, Cd and Ni from the investigation area; It was examined that the concentration of N, P and Cd was much higher than the standard limit. The heavy metal concentration series were as follows: Cd <Cu <Ni <Pb. In summary, the overall results of the study suggest that untreated or partially treated wastewater will slowly affect land and crop production in the long run.