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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-09
Neurofibromatosis Type I Plexiform Geante of the Buttock in a Surgical Setting in a Second Referral Hospital
Traoré Lamine Issaga, Sangaré Sidy, Sogoba Gaoussou, Cissé Abdoulaye, Dembelé Sadio, Goïta Lassana, Camara Moussa, Sanogo Zié Zomogo, Traoré Drissa
Published: Sept. 14, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i09.008
Pages: 504-506
Neurofibromatosis type I (NFI) or Von Reccklinghausen disease is a rare pathology in the surgical setting. We report the observation of a giant plexiform neurofibromatosis type I (NFI) of the buttock in a 61-year-old patient. The pathology was responsible for functional discomfort, unaesthetic and a problem of personal hygiene (after the stool). The she, unaesthetic and a problem of body hygiene (after the stools). The diagnosis of neurofibromatosis was confirmed according to the diagnostic criteria of the National Institue of Health (NIH) consensus conference. Surgical excision was performed, the anatomo-pathological examination of the surgical specimen was a benign tumor, the long-term evolution was satisfactory without local recurrence and a resumption of the activities of daily life.