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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-4 | Issue-01
Congenital Giant Nevus Tumor: Proliferative Nodules or Melanoma?
Dehhaze A, Baali N, Dhaidah O, Quaboul M, Ejjiyar M, Bhihi A, Sahibi M, Elgouatri M, El Amrani, Benchamkha Y, Ettalbi S
Published: Jan. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2018.4.1.6
Pages: 26-28
The giant congenital nevus affects a considerable number of children who
may be accompanied by proliferating nodules that in some cases become melanoma.
We illustrate through a medical observation a case of giant congenital nevi with
nodules of histologically confirmed proliferations with a clinical course inclining
towards a melanoma demonstrating the difficulty histological diagnosis to differentiate
between the two. The literature review confirms the problem of clinical differentiation,
histological and evolutionary between these two diagnoses we push to look for other
alternatives to decide and have a positive diagnosis and therefore adequate and
especially early care of these cases