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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Role of Bilateral Internal Iliac Artery Ligation (BLIIAL) In Uncontrolled Haemorrhage during Postpartum or Hysterectomy Procedure
Rakesh Kumar, Ravindra Prasad
Published: Feb. 20, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2018.4.2.1
Pages: 29-30
One third of maternal deaths are due to hemorrhage especially postpartum
haemorrhage. In these situations BLIIAL is lifesaving. Internal iliac artery supply
uterus, bladder, rectum, vagina and other pelvic organs. Intemal iliac artery ligation
secure haernostasis by reduction in pulse pressure mean arterial pressure by 25-50%
and blood flow by 50%, which promotes clot formation. Study done during 2015 to
2017 with aims and objectives to know outcome of haemostasis after BlIAL and
reproductive life after PPH. A total number of 18 emergencies BLIIAL were performed
in Patna medical college and hospital and MGM hospital patna for different indications
of surgery. In this small study we concluded that haernostasis and reproductive life
were well secured after BLIIAL.