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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Profile of Abdominal Organ Injuries in Polytrauma
R. R. Kannan Mch, C. C. Nandhini, Sathish Devadoss, A. Devadoss, R. Sudhir
Published: Feb. 28, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2018.4.2.2
Pages: 31-37
The aim of this retrospective observational study spanning three years in our
tertiary care institute at Institute of Orthopedic Research and Accident Surgery,
Madurai, of Devadoss Multispecialty hospital, Madurai, South Tamil Nadu, India was
to find the modes of injury to abdomen in polytrauma and frequency of solid and
hollow visceral injuries in blunt and penetrating trauma in patients those who
underwent laparotomy. 31 patients who underwent laparotomy due to blunt and
penetrating injury in polytrauma were included. It is a retrospective study done from 1st
January 2014 to 31st December 2017 (36months).Patients below 12 years of age and
patients taken against medical advice were excluded from the study. The mode and
pattern of abdominal injuries were studied. Out of 31 patients who underwent
laparotomy, 26 were due to blunt injury and 5 due to penetrating injury. 5 were female
out of 31 cases. Modes of injury were road traffic accident 24 (77.4%),