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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-9 | Issue-09
Development & Fabrication of AL-3Mg Based SiC & Gr. Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite by Stir Casting Method
Jayatirtha M Patil, Mahendra KV, Gurumurthy M
Published: Oct. 9, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2021.v09i09.001
Pages: 120-126
The congregation of ceramic particulates in Aluminum hybrid metal matrix composites induces a greater significance in marine and automotive engineering applications because of its strength to weight ratio, good anti-corrosive properties, and high-temperature resistance. The research work focuses on the fabrication of hybrid metal matrix composite with influences of hard ceramic particulates like silicon carbide and dispersoid of graphite in Al-3Mg matrix material, and tribology behavior routed through the liquid metallurgical vortex method. The characterizations of conglomerate like, tensile properties, hardness, compression tests were investigated. The wear resistance increases with assorted graphite compositions. Microstructural examination shows the dispersoids of graphite and silicon carbides are uniformly distributed. The test results of Al-3Mg conglomerates reveal that tensile and hardness properties were enhanced with the addition of Gr. & SiC, as silicon carbide being a harder constituent mixed with a ductile matrix.