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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-10
Cecal Volvulus: Reporte of 3 Cases with a Literature Review
Abderrahim Ait Abderrhim, Saad Bensliman, Tarik Souiki, Karim Ibn Mjdoub, Imane Toughrai, Khalid Mazaz
Published: Oct. 12, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i10.007
Pages: 557-560
The cecum is the second part of the colon that is most commonly affected by the volvulus after sigmoid colon and before left corner and the transverse colon. This condition occurs in patients with abnormally mobile cecum. Volvulus is characterized by torsion or tilt. Clinically, it appears as bowel obstruction due to acute strangulation. Abdominal x-ray and abdominal CT scan are the radiological procedures of choice in the diagnosis of volvulus of the cecum. Treatment is based on emergency surgical resection of the cecum and of the terminal ileum. We report three cases of patients with volvulus of the cecum admitted to the emergency department with acute intestinal obstruction. In all patients, the diagnosis was confirmed by abdomino-pelvic CT scan and the treatment was based for tow of our patients on ileocolic resection with immediate restoration of the intestinal continuity. The postoperative course was uneventful the third patient had a medical traitement with a good evolution.