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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-7 | Issue-10
Fortuitous Diagnosis of Polysplenia Syndrome in an Adult with Mild Abdominal Pain: Case Report and Review of Literature
Lrhorfi Najlae, Hasnae Moslih, Halfi Mohamed Ismail, Moatassim billah Nabli, Nassar Ittimad
Published: Oct. 19, 2021 | 125 77
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2021.v07i10.011
Pages: 564-567
Abnormal arrangement of thoraco-abdominal anatomical structures and their vascular elements in association with dysmorphism, is called heterotaxia syndrome or situs ambiguous syndrome [3]. This syndrome is further dived into two main sets of anomaly bundles, on one hand bilateral left-sidedness or polysplenia syndrome and on the other hand bilateral right-sidedness or asplenia syndrome. It is viewed in literature as a spectrum ranging from situssolitus which is the normal distribution of organs to situsinvertustotalis, the mirror-image of the normal arrangement of organs inside the body and in between the twoentities, a wide range of malformations, as a result of a Disruption of axis determination during early embryonic: situs ambiguous .We are reporting a case of polysplenia syndrome discovered in a patient with only a mild diffuse abdominal pain.