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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-10 | Issue-10
Urachus Pathology: Infected Urachal Cyst
S. Faiz, S. Tadsaoui, R. Roukhsi, A. Mouhsine, E. Atmane
Published: Oct. 30, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2021.v10i10.004
Pages: 180-182
The urachus is a fibrous residue of the allantois that disappears after birth. In some cases, it may persist, which is called urachus abnormalities. This persistence of the urachus is manifested by abdominal pain and can be signalled by complications, of which infection is the most common complication. Infection can be misunderstood and confused with other pathologies, especially when associated with abdominal pain. In our case, we report an observation of an infected urachal cyst, revealed by febrile abdominal pain and swelling.