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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-9 | Issue-09
Discussion to New Industrial Development in Africa I
Run Xu
Published: Oct. 30, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2021.v09i09.006
Pages: 155-157
The present and future trends from primary to tertiary industries are analyzed in detail. Put forward the implementation of agricultural mechanization, automobile manufacturing and mobile phone suggestions, and put them into practice. Specific response measures are pointed out in these large equipment, indicating that they are urgently needed to run the factory products. In additional wind generator and photovoltaic generator shall be established in Africa in order to promote new and non contamination energy. Due to its low labour and undeveloped industry many opportunity will await us to mine its countless challenge. Like south Africa they can live together with better status therefore the immigrant to south Africa has been our dream because of their development. So if endeavor is imported many new project will be found by us together. Let us continue to pay attention to Africa for better benefit and common development. In Africa the photovoltaic business makes a 3.5% in 2018 [1].