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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-9 | Issue-10
Derangement in Sperm Kinematics following Pre-pubertal Exposure to Cannabis sativa: Ameliorating effect of Vitamin C.
Aribo EO, Udokang NE, Akpan EE
Published: Oct. 30, 2021 | 330 232
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2021.v09i10.009
Pages: 315-320
Background of study: Motility is an important function of the male gamete which enables it to actively reach and penetrate the female gamete for fertilization. Long term use of Cannabis sativa has been associated with decreased male fertility indices including sperm motility. The characterization of the spermatozoa movement has not been evaluated especially in rats pre-pubertally exposed to cannabis sativa. Methodology: Forty pre-pubertal male rats were randomly assigned into 4 groups of ten rats each. Group 1 served as the control, group 2 was the low dose cannabis group exposed to cannabis smoke for 5 minutes daily, group 3 was the high dose cannabis group exposed to cannabis smoke for 10 minutes daily while group 4 was exposed to cannabis smoke for 10 minutes daily and treated with 2.8mg/kg vitamin C daily. Duration of administration and treatment was 28 days after which animals were euthanized and cauda epididymis from each testis was dissected out for evaluation of sperm motility indices. Resuts: The results showed significant derangement in sperm kinetics including total motility (P<0.05), progressivity (P<0.05), velocity of active path (P<0.05), curvilinear velocity (P<0.05), amplitude of lateral head (P<0.05), beat cilia frequency (P<0.05) and wobbling rate (P<0.05) in the high dose group compared with control. These abnormal sperm kinematics were significantly ameliorated by vitamin C. Conclusion: In conclusion, cannabis smoke impairs several aspects of the kinematics of sperms in pre-pubertally exposed rats but which were ameliorated by vitamin C.