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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-10
Hybrid Chick Hatched by Local Broody Hens
Gboshe Noah Peter
Published: Nov. 30, 2021 | 138 113
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2021.v08i10.002
Pages: 105-107
Local incubating hens (2) were each offered (21) broiler eggs for hatching. The incubated eggs were hatched. The growth rate, survivability and profitability of the hatched chicks were compared with a set of 21 intensively reared broiler chicks and a set of 21 local chicks hatched. They were all reared intensively. The intensively reared broiler (IRB) attained 2.03 kg live weight in 10 weeks, with no mortalities and they yielded a profit of ₦451.67/bird. The local crossbred broiler (HCB) took 20 weeks to attain 1.173 kg, all the birds survived to that age and had a profit of ₦222.88/ bird. The local chicks (LOC) weighed only 0.970 kg at 20 weeks and the birds also survived to that age and yielded a profit of ₦118.09 per chick. Results from this study demonstrate the possibility of using local cocks to cross hybrid broiler hens so as to obtain a harder resistant strain of birds that can attain a higher live weight than the local chickens and also withstand the prevailing diseases around the environment.