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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-9 | Issue-12
Pulmonary Intravascular Talcosis Due to Intravenous Drug Use: A Case Report
Meryem Ranib, Sara Ouassil, Badr Boutakioute, Meriem Ouali Idrissi, Abdelhamid Hachimi, Najat Cherif Idrissi El Ganouni
Published: Dec. 4, 2021 | 169 337
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2021.v09i12.003
Pages: 1128-1131
Foreign body granulomatosis has many etiologies, including the injection of oral medications intravenously. The insoluble filler materials that are used in the medications can lodge in pulmonary arterioles and capillaries, which can trigger foreign body giant cell reaction, chronic inflammation, thrombosis, and fibrosis,. On imaging, this may present with multiples micronodules. Here, we present a case of 65 years old patient, with history of heavy smoking, intravenous drug abuse and intravascular talcosis diagnosed by biopsy; presented to the emergency room for respiratory distress with fever and productive cough, A thoracic CT was requested, it showed an alveolar consolidation of left lower lobar with centrilobular periarteriolar micronodules. The majority of the nodules was calcified, related to her disease (talcosis IV).