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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-10 | Issue-01
Predictors of Severity in COVID-19 patients in Pneumology Department Marrakesh, Morocco
C. Rachid, PP. Koumeka, S. Ait batahar, L. Amro
Published: Jan. 10, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2022.v10i01.001
Pages: 1-9
Background: The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has been identified since 2019, as the causative agent of a new respiratory disease called the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019). Numerous risk factors for COVID-19 severity have been described, but data on infected patients in North Africa are limited. We aimed to explore the predictive factors of disease severity in COVID-19 patients in the pneumology department of the Mohammed VI Hospital in Marrakech. Methods: A descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study conducted among patients hospitalized for COVID- 19 during the period from October 2020 to December 2020 in intensive care unit CHU Mohammed VI of Marrakech confirmed and presenting acute respiratory distress. The variables retained in the final model were selected using a stepwise forward method with an entry threshold at 0.2 and an exit threshold at 0.05. The significance threshold was retained for p <0,05. The descriptive analysis consisted of the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies for the qualitative variables, and of the positioning and dispersion parameters for the quantitative variables (mean, standard deviation). For the comparison of percentages in bivariate analysis, Pearson's Chi2 statistical test and Fisher's test if necessary were used. Results: 125 cases of COVID-19 were collected (40.8 women and 59.2 men). The average age was 59.6 years (26-90). 86.4% were exposed to tobacco. 66.7% were active smokers and 33.3% were passive smokers. The presence of comorbidities was noted in 77.6% of cases. These were arterial hypertension (28.4%), diabetes (32.6%), heart disease (7.1%), neoplasia (5.7%), dysthyroidism (5.7%) and bronchial asthma (6.4%). Confirmatory examinations included suggestive imaging in 76.9%, 47.9% a positive pcr. The predominant respiratory symptoms were cough in 84% of cases, followed by dyspnea in 70.9% of cases. The predominant extra-respiratory signs were asthenia in 79% of cases, followed by myalgia in 46% of cases, ......