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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-10 | Issue-01
Severe Hypocalcemia after Renal Transplantation: An Extreme Case of Hungry Bone Syndrome
Samia Elkarci, Mariam Chettati, Wafaa Fadili, Inass Laouad
Published: Jan. 10, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2022.v10i01.002
Pages: 10-11
Hungry bone syndrome is a rare but potentially lethal complication that is characterized by rapid, severe, long-lasting hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia secondary to increased bone metabolism. Hereby, we present a case of a 38-year-old patient who received a kidney transplant 09 months after a subtotal parathyroidectomy. She developed severe hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia 15 days after renal transplant and required high-dose of calcium for 4 months thereafter. The aim of this case report is to highlight and raise awareness for the importance of strict nutritional and electrolyte management in the post transplantation period. A prompt diagnosis and correction of hungry bone syndrome are imperative to prevent the associated significant morbidity and mortality [1].