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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Study of Various Aspect of Inguinal Hernia in Childhood
Rakesh Kumar, I.S Thakur
Published: Jan. 22, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.1.6
Pages: 29-31
Inguinoscrotal swellings are one of the commonest anomalies in infancy and childhood throughout the world. Delay in
Diagnosis and treatment leads to loss of testis, ovaries or portion of bowel to incarceration or strangulation. Present
study was undertaken to evaluate the age, sex and sidewise distribution and the complications like incarceration,
strangulation and gonadal infarcation in childhood inguinal Hernia. A total of 30 children were selected ranging in age
from 6 months to 13 years presenting to the hospital with inguinoscrotal swelling which were examined, followed up
and managed. The data were used to interpret results. The initial diagnosis was made from the history and clinical
examination. The inguinal hernia was most common among male children 91.47%, then female. Right sided (60.21%)
inguinal hernia was more common than left. The most common associated anomaly was hydrocele in (30.7%) and
undescended testis. Mainstay of treatment of these swelling was surgical. Most of the swelling are asymptomatic;
parents are usually the first person to notice these swelling. All cases of inguinal hernia have to he operated and
procedure is Herniotomy.