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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Amyand’s Hernia: A Rare Presentation
Mulkipatil S.Y, P. Stalin H
Published: Jan. 22, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.1.9
Pages: 36-39
The presence of an appendix in a hernia sac (Amyand's hernia) is a rare entity and the incidence of having an appendix
in the hernias sac is less than 1%. Usually, the appendix has been shown to be a part of a sliding hernia and it may be
adherent to the sac, most commonly to the mesoappendix rather than the appendix itself and it makes up all or some
part of the postero-medial wall of a hernias sac. The clinical presentation varies, depending on the extent of
inflammation in the hernia sac and the presence or absence of peritoneal contamination. The presence of vermiform
appendix, whether normal or inflamed in the inguinal hernia, is referred to as Amyand's hernia. In the available
literature if there is a type 2 Amyand’s Hernia then ideal treatment would be appendectomy through hernia followed
by primary repair of hernia (no mesh).But in our case we have performed appendectomy of inflamed appendix through
the hernia followed by Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair because of high chances of recurrence in the future.
Patient has no signs/symptoms of surgical site infection