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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-01
A Comparative Study of Skin Staples with Conventional Sutures for Abdominal Skin Wound Closures
Suresh Patil, Mohammadi Sana
Published: Jan. 27, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.1.11
Pages: 44-52
Background and Objectives: There are various ways the skin approximation can be done be it by sutures, staplers,
glues, sterile tapes all of these have the same purpose of healing but the one which provides the best scar with least
wound infection and consumes least time is the one that should be used. So here we have studied 100 patients over a
period of 20 months comparing skin sutures with staplers and their outcome with respect to time consumed and
percentage of complication was studied. Surgical sutures are conventionally used in skin closure of surgical wounds.
Alternative wound closure techniques include staples and adhesive strips. We aimed to evaluate sutures versus staples
as methods of surgical wound closure by performing a randomized prospective study. Methods: A prospective study
was conducted between November 2016 to June 2018 over 100 cases, admitted in Basaveshwar Teaching and General
Hospital. The patients were randomly selected to either receive staples or sutures for abdominal wound closures.