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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-02
Motherhood Is Lost, Exile Is Born: A Desperate and Critical Look into William Trevor’s Novel, Felicia’s Journey
Navid Salehi Babamiri
Published: Dec. 29, 2016 | 122 123
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2016.v02i02.004
Pages: 47-50
During their early times the women have experienced both cultural and social discriminations. These bad omens, step by step, have provided the traumatic sense for the women, either to deny themselves or to have the sense of not integrating with others. Moreover; if they decide to integrate, they are retarded by the society. William Trevor’s novel, Felicia’s journey, expatiates on the life of young Irish girl who has been entrapped in a bad social condition, which the life of enjoyment has been circumscribed by the environmental hostilities. Furthermore; her lack of having a good mother adds more to this bitter condition that she has no sense of belongings. Thus drawing on the reading of self-exile, the novel which is discussed in this article goes on to explore the marginalization of the Irish woman with her people around and more importantly, within Irish and English society.