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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Importance of Development of Human Resources in an Organisation
Dr. Caxton Shonhiwa
Published: Dec. 21, 2017 | 110 79
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2017.v03i02.001
Pages: 35-37
Development is all those activities and programme when recognised and controlled have substantial influence in changing the capacity of the individual to perform his assignment better and in going so all likely to increase his potential for future assignments. Thus development is a combination of various training programme, though some kind of training is necessary, it is the overall development of the competency of a person in the light of the present requirement as well as the future requirement. Development is an activity designed to improve the performance of existing employees and to provide for a planned growth of managers to meet future organisational requirements is management development. Management development is a continuous process. It is not one shot programme but continuous though out the career of a manager. Development is any kind of learning, is based on the assumption that there, always existing a gap between an individual’s performance and his potential for the performance. Development seldom takes place in completely peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. Management development requires clear setting of goals. Management development required conducive environment.