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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Closed Lateral Internal Anal Sphincterotomy: An Effective and Easy Way for Pain Relief in Chronic Anal Fissure
Uday Kuma, Narayan Kabadi
Published: Jan. 30, 2019 | 186 116
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.1.13
Pages: 57-59
Background: Anal fissure is a common benign anorectal condition. Anal fissure is a longitudinal slit in the anoderm of the distal anal canal which extends from the anal verge proximally, but not beyond the dentate line (1) Methods: A randomized clinical trial comparing closed lateral internal sphincterotomy with open internal sphincterotomy. 60 patients of chronic anal fissure were admitted in KIMS Hubli, between November 2015 to Nov 2016.30 patients were posted for closed lateral internal sphincterotomy and 30 were posted for open internal sphincterotomy. The two groups were compared with respect to post-operative pain and post-operative stay Results: Each group consists of 30 patients. Post-operative pain was assessed using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).There was significant difference in postoperative pain score and post-operative stay (Day 2 p=0.0001, Day 3 p=0.0378) in closed lateral internal sphincterotomy as compared to open lateral sphincterotomy. Conclusion: Closed lateral sphincterotomy has decreased post-operative pain and post-operative stay