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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
The Role of the Instructional Supervisor in the Promotion of Performance of Pupils
Augustine Zano Muranda
Published: June 22, 2018 | 175 121
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i03.004
Pages: 33-37
The overall purpose of instructional supervision is to help teachers improve, and this could be on what teachers know, the improvement of teaching skills, as well as teachers’ ability to make more informed professional decisions. Instructional supervision is a crucial tool used in building effective teacher professional development. It is also seen as an organisational function that seeks the growth of teachers and improvement in teaching performance and greater student learning. This proves the point that every profession requires continuous improvement in methods and skills that are necessary for employee performance. This means that teacher instructional supervision is vital for the success of every pupil in a school. Where instructional supervisors spend their time helping to develop their teachers, the chances of those teachers performing better for the benefit of the students are very high. Thus, the need for effective instructional supervisors in the schools.