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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
The Development of the Private Funding of Higher Education: Challenges and Successes
Garainesu Shoko
Published: Sept. 19, 2018 | 153 83
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2018.v04i05.002
Pages: 103-109
An increase of private resources for higher education can be achieved through the establishment or expansion of private institutions that are partially or entirely financed from contributions by students and their families, as well as by the mobilisation of new resources by the public sector, among which user contributions play a primary role. These different methods, regrouped in a simplistic manner under the category of “privatisation”, deserve to being distinguished, one from the others. This paper attempts to explore various models of private sector funding of universities.