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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-04
Socio-Emotional Development in Sixth Grade Elementary School Children from Two Public Schools
Efrain Duarte Briceño, Martha Vanessa Espejel López, María de Lourdes Pinto Loria and Jorge Carlos Aguayo Chan
Published: April 23, 2019 | 123 97
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i04.001
Pages: 67-72
The purpose of this work was to improve socio-emotional development of the participants as a basis to strengthen prosocial behavior. The sample was conformed by 89 sixth grade students of two public schools between 10 and 14 years old. For the evaluation of socio-emotional traits, the following instruments were used: (1) Battery of socialization, BAS-3, (Silva Moreno & Martorell Pallás, 2018), (2) Questionnaire of antisocial and criminal conducts, A-D, (Seisdedos, 2001); (3) CP, Questionnaire of prosocial conduct (Weir & Duveen, 1981); (4) Scale of assertive behavior for children CABS (Mencia Padilla, 2016); (5) Questionnaire of cognitive strategies for the resolution of social situations, EIS, (Garaigordobil, 2000); and (6) Scale of self-concept for children (Cortés Ayala & Flores Galaz, 2010). The work consisted of an applied research with a multi-group design of pretest-postest repeat measures and a control group. There were significant differences found by sex in: prosocial behavior reported by teachers; antisocial and criminal behaviors; and socialization behavior; where women show a Medium high and men a Medium low level. The diagnostic-evaluation differences by group, as well as the differences between experimental and control groups after the intervention are discussed.