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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-02
Epidemiological and Socio-Cultural Study of Burn Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Kashmir Valley
Tariq Ahmed Mala, Syeed Rayees Ahmad, Shahid Amin Malla
Published: Feb. 16, 2019 | 204 167
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.2.2
Pages: 76-79
Background: Burns are considered one of the major health problems due to its catastrophic events which increase both the morbidity and mortality and financial burden as well. With aggressive resuscitation and improved response to hyper metabolic state significant improvement has been done in this field. Our aim was to analyze the various demographic features and preventive measures. Material and methods: This analysis was done in Government Medical College Srinagar, all thermal patients who were admitted in the intensive care bur unit from January 2016to December 2017 be registered in terms of their demographic data mode of burn injury, time of presentation after burn and associated risk factors and illness. Assessment of burn wound was done regarding site, affected body surface area, degree, depth, severity of injury and complications. Data were collected and analyzed statistically. Assessment of burn area was done regarding site, affected body surface area, degree, depth, severity of injury and complications. Data were collected and analyzed statistically.