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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-05
The Dark Side of the Ivory Tower: An Analysis of Commercial Sex Work in Nigerian Universities
Jackson Onome Robinson, Karofi, A Usman
Published: May 30, 2019 | 157 771
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i05.006
Pages: 129-138
A cursory review of the history of Nigeria tertiary institutions indicate that campus commercial sex work is on the ascendancy. Commercial sex work has transcended the brothels and the streets into every facet of the society, and university campuses are not insulated from the menace. Legal and institutional frameworks deployed to arrest the situation by government and university authorities rather than attenuate have exacerbated the situation. Drawing from numerous mass media and scholarly sources and using a theoretical framework grounded on political economy, this paper examines the dialectical origin, predisposing factors, and forms of campus commercial sex work in Nigeria. The paper concludes that, policies and legislations aimed at preventing and exiting the commercial sex work are lopsided and must therefore be holistic, encapsulating issues surrounding supply and demand for commercial sex. Recommendations on how to curb prostitution menace amongst female university students were proposed. Readers from a range of disciplinary interest will find this paper compelling and valuable to understand commercial sex in the ivory towers as a newly constructed social reality.