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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-02
Indications and Endoscopy Findings in Patients with Symptoms of Upper Gastrointestinal Disease- Single Centre Experience of 5 Years
R.R. Kannan, C. C. Nandhini, A. Charles Stephen Raja Singh
Published: Feb. 20, 2019 | 235 168
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.2.3
Pages: 80-86
Back ground and aim of the study: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a widely available and relatively safe procedure (1). Disease of varied symptomatology in relation to upper gastrointestinal tract are very common in clinical practice.The most sensitive modality of investigation available to evaluate the upper gastrointestinal tract is upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. To evaluate findings in patients who have undergone endoscopy for various indications: Material and methods: It is a retrospective study done in adults for 5years who underwent UGI endoscopy electively between Jan 1st 2014 to Dec. 31st2018 at C.S.I Christian mission hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.Their medical records were reviewed to evaluate the indications and outcome of endoscopy. Result: A total of 814 patients had undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopy during this period. Males constituted 51.1% of patients while females constituted 48.9%. Male female ratio was 1:1.Age ranged from 18years to 83years with mean of 42.5 years. The commonest indications for endoscopy were dyspepsia in 461 patients (56.6%), followed by gastrointestinal bleeding presenting as haemetemesis and malena in 122 patients(15%).Other indications include dysphagia in 69 patients(8.5%),anemia for evaluation in 68 patients(8.4%),vomiting in 56 patients (6.8%), weight loss in 28 patients(3.4%), hiccough in 10 patients(1.3%).