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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-10
Who Gave More United States Foreign Aid To Sierra Leone? George W. Bush vs. Barack H. Obama
Abdul Karim Bangura
Published: Oct. 25, 2019 | 137 88
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i10.004
Pages: 310-315
It behooves me to begin this article by making it very clear that it is not about explaining the causes/reasons and effects/outcomes for the amounts of the economic aid (i.e. humanitarian and development assistance) and military aid (i.e. military and police assistance) provided to Sierra Leone by the George W. Bush Administration (2001-2008) and the Barack H. Obama Administration (2009-2016), as I have done for a number of previous United States administrations in earlier works (Bangura, 2001, 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2015). Instead, the objective here is to determine which of the two Presidents provided more of this aid to Sierra Leone. In essence, it is a descriptive account. And, as I describe it and its import in our book titled Peace Research for Africa: Critical Essays on Methodology, the descriptive account seeks to answer the what is question; it is therefore important in developing an accurate profile of situations, events, or persons (Bangura and McCandless, 2007:128 & 165).