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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-11
Major Barriers and Challenges to Integrating ICT in Education
Published: Nov. 26, 2019 | 140 498
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2019.v05i11.004
Pages: 342-348
From the start of the information age, ICT has upheld an essential role in improving the quality of education. Thus, lots of countries desire to perk up the effectiveness and quality of the learning process, and consider ICT as one tool to attain that target. This role in education involves assisting students to learn and teachers to execute their teaching vocation more efficiently. As a result of quick developments in a short period, ICT has turned out to be the focus of interest for pedagogical settings. Swift developments in ICT have also led to radical conversions in education. This brings about the significance for training teachers and students for these changes in the information society. Integration of ICT is essential to upgrade the quality of education and how ICT might permit teachers to construct different pathways. In these backgrounds, educator’s shifting role in the 21st century entails a vital role, which is to be the leader for connecting technological novelties to teaching/learning process. At this point, essential competencies and the degree of willingness are key factors in the implementation process of new ICT. The major objective of this study is to get experiential data on the current use of ICT by teachers and students to come up with strategies and action plans for integrating educational technologies in the Algerian higher educational system. More purposely, the study endeavours to investigate teachers' perceptions of barriers and challenges that may influence integrating ICTs in the teaching process, . The findings will be discussed in relation to learning theories in addition to the pedagogical outcomes for the use of ICT in EFL context.