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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-05
Family Environment in relation to Emotional Autonomy among Adolescents of Rural Area of Jammu City
Saima Hafiz, Pallavi Sachdeva
Published: May 10, 2020 | 137 108
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2020.v06i05.002
Pages: 39-43
One important feature of adolescents is autonomous learning skills that will help them manage their own lives and make positive, healthy choices. Autonomy is a crucial developmental task of adolescence, mainly because it is closely linked to individualization and identity formation. Families that are perceived as cohesive have high sense of security and emerge as a source of support for individuals. Results states the significant negative correlation of moral religious emphasis with parent perceives as people (r= -.154), and control (r= -.218) positive relationship with independence (r=.175). Deidealization have a significant negative relationship with intellectual cultural orientation (r = -.157) and positive significant relationships with cohesion (r = .203), expressiveness (r = .168), independence (r = .165), achievement orientation (r = .151), active recreational orientation (r = .220). Non dependency has a significant negative relationship with intellectual cultural orientation (r = -.193) and organization (r = -.140). Similarly, individuation dimension of emotional autonomy has a significant relationship with conflict (r = -.144) in male adolescents. Among female adolescents, parent perceives as people correlates with cohesion (r= .264), expressiveness (r= .141), achievement orientation (r= .330), organization (r= .176). De-idealization dimension of emotional autonomy correlates positively with independence (r= .151), moral religious emphasis (r= .147), control (r= .182). Non dependency dimension of emotional autonomy have a significant negative relationship with intellectual cultural orientation (r= -.170), moral religious emphasis (r= -.209). Expressiveness (r= .172), conflict (r= .183), independence (r= .140) are significantly positively related with non dependency and achievement orientation (r = .187) and conflict (r = -.247) with individuation in female adolescents.