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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-12
An Outlook of Rural Planning and Development in Malihabad, India in Perspectives of Settlement and Allied Amenities
Arvind Singh Yadav, D. C. Pandey
Published: Dec. 19, 2020 | 152 148
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2020.v06i12.001
Pages: 182-179
Settlement is one among some most basic needs of the men; related with the socialization of humans. The need of the permanent settlement arises mainly, due to the growth and development of agriculture itself. It is the one; among the trio of “roti, kapda and makaan” (bread, clothes and house). Human life revolves around these three and remains miserable without them; as adequate availability of housing facilities is as valuable as others for civilized population. Men in all the times and all around the world remain engaged in fulfilling the demands of food, clothes and residence. Dwelling availability, most specifically depicts the developmental stages of the societies and it can be easily guessed whether, the society is in the stage of developed, developing or in underdeveloped state with a single expression of settlements. Huge size of population on this earth is still waiting for the adequate place of residence. Increasing population in leaps and bounds is making conditions more awful. Purpose of the present study is to focus on the availability of settlements, adequacy and efficiency of basic associated amenities and anxieties.