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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Diachronic Changes of Chinese Phatic Communion and Its Change Tendency — Phatic Communion Used in Chinese TV Plays and Films
Hongping Chen, Xiaoxiao Zhang
Published: April 24, 2021 | 181 214
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2021.v07i03.002
Pages: 62-66
Phatic communion is used to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships and social status, which aims to avoid embarrassment and release the stress of exchanging information. Different languages have different phatic communions, and the phatic communion also changes as time goes by. So this article tends to explore the changes of phatic communion in China by analyzing phatic communion used in Chinese TV plays and films at different times, and figures out the change tendency and reasons for these changes.