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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-04
Analysis of the Different Growth Environments for Children of Rural Areas in The Grass House and Anne of Green Gables
Hongping Chen and Haoshan Niu
Published: May 7, 2021 | 143 97
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2021.v07i04.003
Pages: 76-79
The Grass House describes Sang Sang’s unforgettable and impressive elementary school life which has lasted six years. This great novel presents readers the growth environments, set in Yau Ma Tei, for children from China’s countryside. Anne of Green Gables depicts the living environments in Canadian rural areas. By entering into the process the Anne’s growth environments, readers can detect Canadian rural children’s special conditions. By analyzing the two books, we can find that there are many differences in the growth environments in Chinese and Canadian rural areas. The differences can be divided into two parts: cultural environments and natural environments. Cultural environments can be divided into three parts: education system, customs, and the sense of value. And natural environments consist of buildings, climate, and rural planning, etc. By comparing the different environments, we can find the best growing environments for children.