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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-10
Belgian Unforgotten Historical Evils Orchestrated Against the Congolese (BUHEOAC) till the Assassination of Famous Black African Nationalists (AFBAN) 19th-20th Centuries
Dr. Njuafac Kenedy Fonju
Published: Nov. 10, 2021 | 140 120
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2021.v07i10.001
Pages: 164-181
A deeper historical study and understanding of Belgian BUHEOAC and AFBAN in the African Continent were manifested through 28 different Diplomatic Agents with distinguished administrative portfolios beginning with Francis de Winton as an Administrator General (A.G) from 22 April 1884 to Hendrik Cornelis as Governor General (G.G.) whose massacred era came to an end on 30th June 1960.Then, On 1st July 1960, the former Congo Free State (CFS) later Belgian Congo (B.C) became an independent country bearing the name the Republic of the Congo (R.C) with the worst and horrible homicide with total conspiracy masterminded by the Western Capitalist World following the assassination of Patrice Lumumba who was qualified as a pro-Communist African Nationalist during the second half of the 20th Century. Those cannibalistic activities occurred with total complicities of the 7 Belgian Monarchical men alongside with 53 Prime Ministers identified in this study. The activities of the Belgian colonial agents are comparable to the aggressive actions of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Africa and elsewhere around the World during the first half of the 20th Century as aggressors and Statesmen who acquired honours from human massacred. Therefore, what are the Belgian Government and Kings thinking of the unforgotten evils of their ancestors against the Congolese? The scrutiny of, diverse sources and documentaries enable us to use a historical analytical approach with statistical tables of the actors involved between 1884 and 1960 as a modest contribution to the 21st Century constant reawaking of reparation requested by the country’s siblings.