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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-04
Effectiveness of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) in Predicting the Outcome in Patients with Secondary Peritonitis
Miteshkumar Trivedi, Saumya Iyer
Published: April 30, 2019 | 185 134
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.4.4
Pages: 212-216
Acute generalized peritonitis is potentially life-threatening condition if not dealt with promptly. Out of the various peritonitis, we come across secondary peritonitis more commonly in our practice. Various scoring system have been devised like the colonic sepsis score, APACHE-II, but of all Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) is easier to calculate and apply in practice. It comprises of 8 variables that include preoperative and intra-operative findings. This study is aimed to assess the MPI as a predictor of morbidity and mortality in patients with secondary peritonitis.