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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-02
Kartagener's Syndrome a Case Report and Literature Review
Diarra Daouda, Boussa Tressia Carole, Salihou Abdoulfatihi, Tabakh Houria, Siwane Abdellatif, Touil Najwa, Kacimi Omar, Chikhaoui Nabil
Published: Feb. 28, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i02.011
Pages: 117-120
Kartagener syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder with autosomal recessive inheritance, characterized by a triad of chronic bronchorrhea with bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis and situs inversus. It is part of a syndrome of primary ciliary immobility called primary ciliary dyskinesia. Imaging is the key examination in the workup of Kartagener's syndrome and is usually discovered during a CT scan. The treatment is essentially symptomatic and preventive based on the treatment of episodes of respiratory superinfections, physiotherapy for bronchial drainage and anti-influenza and anti-pneumococcal vaccinations.
We report a case of Kartagener's syndrome collected in the radiology department of the emergency room.