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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-03
Adverse Post-Vaccination Events (APEs) in Mali Hospital Following Astrazeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization in Mali
Dicko Ousmane Attaher, Guédiouma Dembélé, Dramé boubacar Sidiki Ibrahim, Dabo Garan, Samaké Magara, Diallo Djénéba, Awa Tamboura, Ibrahima Farota, Kounandi Diombana, Mohamed Naremba Soumaoro, ........
Published: March 16, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i03.006
Pages: 143-149
The health crisis caused by the coronavirus disease that emerged in late 2019 has not spared Mali, where it was identified as of March 25, 2020. In order to reduce the burden of the disease, preventing severe cases and deaths through the reduction of the virus circulation, Mali is considering, as a first step, the access to the COVID-19 vaccine to vulnerable people, in particular the socio-health personnel. The first vaccine used in our country was Astrazeneca, which, like all drugs, has side effects. Objectives: To identify adverse post-vaccine events (APEs) following Astrazeneca vaccination against COVID-19 and to establish their management. Methodology: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection that took place from March 31, 2021 to October 24, 2021 including the two rounds of covid_19 vaccinations with Astrazeneca at the Mali Hospital level, the first round of which was launched from March 31, 2021 in Mali. It included all vaccinees with an adverse or unexpected sign, abnormal laboratory result, symptom, or illness following vaccination, whether or not causally related to the use of the vaccine. Results: During the 2 vaccination campaigns, we collected 20 cases of IPD out of a total of 312 recorded at the national level, i.e. a prevalence of 6.41%. The 56-65 age group was more represented in 5 cases (25%) with an average age of 42. Female sex was dominant with a sex ratio of 0.82, cases from commune VI were more reported, 7 cases (35%), the majority of the ILI appeared within 48 hours after vaccination, 15 cases (75%), hypertension was the most frequent medical history, 8 cases (40%). The most noted risk factor for coagulation was sedentary lifestyle, 9 cases (69.23%), heat at the injection site was the most frequent local reaction, 5 cases (38.46%), general aches and pains in the muscles were the most frequent systemic manifestations, 19 cases (13.48%). 11%), high fibrinogen levels 1 case (10%), high factors VIII and IX ea