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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-03
Preventing Youth Substance Use Using Creative Problem Solving-Cognitive-Behavioural Skills Enhancement Approach
Felix-Kingsley Obialo
Published: March 16, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i03.010
Pages: 161-166
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of creative problem solving-cognitive-behavioural skill enhancement approach on the prevention of substance use among youth. Study Design: A quasi-experimental study was used. Methods: The study involved 327 youth (mean age 19.1 ± 3.4 years) of the Catholic Archdiocese of Ibadan, Nigeria in various secondary and tertiary institutions across Nigeria who gathered for an annual programme. A self-reporting questionnaire was administered pre and post eliciting information about participants’ demographics, knowledge of effects of substance on the brain, attitude towards substance usage, decision making behaviour, satisfaction about the training/resolve to share information acquired and creative problem solving skills. 327 participants completed the pre-test but 208 (mean age 19.2 ± 2.9) completed the post-survey. This accommodated a cross-sectional analysis of the results. Results reflect a comparison of all pre-evaluations with all post-evaluations. This prevented a pre- and post-evaluation paired-test analyses. Results: There is a significant difference in each post assessment result of the variables among participants: knowledge of how the brain helps make decision p (0.001) <.05 level of significance; attitude towards substance use p (0.003) <.05 level of significance; decision-making p (0.005) <.05 level of significance; satisfaction and willingness to share information and skills acquired with friends p (0.003) <.05 level of significance; creative problem solving skills p (0.002) <.05 level of significance. Conclusion: A combination of creative problem solving and cognitive-behavioural skills enhancement influenced youth’s decision against substance use. The result suggests that the enhancement technique is appropriate, effective and feasible for youth deterrence from substance usage encouraging further research.