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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-10 | Issue-03
Morphological Manifestation of Haemolymph Nodes in Mice
Kai-Xiang Ni, Yi-Ning Tang, Wei-Ren Pan, Chen-Chen Shi, Chuan-Xiang Ma, Fan-Qiang Zeng, Zhi-An Liu
Published: March 23, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2022.v10i03.004
Pages: 49-52
The haemolymph node (HLN) has been studied for more than a century and was generally focused on areas of anatomy and histology mostly in human cadavers, larger animals and rats, seldom in mice. In this project, 126 lymph nodes were harvested and studied from different regions of 8 Kunming mice. Out of 8 mice, 3 had the phenomenon of HLN. Within the 3 mice, 9 HLN were found located in: the parathymic, superior vena cava, suprarenal and lumbar regions. Among 9 nodes, 4 of them had either an appearance of HLN or macrophage-erythrocyte-lymphocyte (EML) rosettes in sinuses, 5 had only a few EML rosettes in sinuses without the appearance of HLN. Each MEL rosette was composed of a macrophage in the centre surrounded by numerous erythrocytes and often contained a lymphocyte. Some rosettes were seen without lymphocytes, and some with uncompleted erythrocytes’ wreath. It was further observed that deformed erythrocytes were distributed in sinuses. These phenomena might reflect the functional status of the HLN at that time.