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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-06
Hydatid Cyst of the Psoas Muscle: A Case Report
Houssam Belghali, Mérième Lhaine, Tarik Souiki, Karim Ibn Majdoub Hassani, Imane Toughrai, Khalid Mazaz
Published: June 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.6.5
Pages: 260-262
The psoas muscle is an exceptional localization of the hydatid cyst. The purpose of this article is to report the
observation of a hydatid cyst located in the left psoas muscle in a 66-year-old patient. Ultrasonography, computed
tomography and positive serology have contributed to the preoperative diagnosis. The patient was operated by lateral
pararectus incision (Jalaguier's approach), the surgical act consisted of a partial cystectomy leaving a pericystic wall
against the vasculo-nervous elements. The evolution was good without recurrence after the surgical treatment.