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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-03
Secretome – A new “Cappiler” for Compartement Syndrome
Sukmawati Tansil Tan, Yohanes Firmansyah, Edwin Destra
Published: March 25, 2022 | 209 198
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i03.018
Pages: 203-208
Compartment Syndrome, an orthopedic emergency, is a condition of increased perfusion pressure under closed tissue. Necrosis of the nerves and muscles, namely contracture of Volkmann and systemic complications such as acute renal failure, sepsis, ARDS, will result in compartment syndrome that is not properly treated. In children, doctors must be able to diagnose compartment syndrome in order to treat it in a timely manner. The effects of mismanagement will have an impact on the future of the child. A 5-year-old boy presented a case report with complaints of worsening wounds accompanied by loss of sensation. As the patient went to alternative medicine, the patient had to be amputated because of an error in the administration of therapy (The patient came to the “dukun tulang” for 5 months ago and received inappropriate treatment). Patients have signed an agreement to follow up on treatment by single-dose intracutaneous injection of Placental Wharton Jelly Stem Cell Secretom (SC-PWJSC). Intracutaneous injection of Secretom from Placental Wharton Jelly Stem Cell after administration of a single dose of 5cc (SC-PWJSC). The patient was advised to undergo amputation and the SC-PWJSC intracutaneous injection procedure was given to the patient. There was a significant improvement in the situation after 4 weeks of intervention.