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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-06
Volvulus of the Cecum: A Case Report
Houssam Belghali, Tarik Souiki, Karim Ibn Majdoub Hassani, Imane Toughrai, Khalid Mazaz
Published: June 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.6.6
Pages: 263-265
The cecum is, in frequency, the second part of the colon concerned by the volvulus after the sigmoid and before the
left angle and the transverse colon. This condition occurs on abnormally mobile caecums. The mechanism of volvulus
is twisting or tilting. The clinical picture is that of an acute intestinal obstruction by strangulation. The unprepared
abdomen x-ray and abdominal CT are the first imaging examinations performed for diagnosis. The treatment aims to
reduce volvulus and treat complications. Ileocecal resection is the best therapeutic option. In rare cases, caecopexy
may be a therapeutic alternative in elderly or debilitated patients and in the absence of necrosis.we reporting the case
of a patient who is admitted to emergency in an acute bowel obstruction, the diagnosis was confirmed by an
abdominopelvic CT scan and the treatment consisted of a caecal detorsion with a caecopexy, the postoperative follow
up was uneventful.