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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-04
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Breastfeeding during a Period of Confinement for The Benefit of Women Who Have Given Birth at CHU Mohamed VI; Marrakech
FZ. Mouad, N El Idrisi slitine, F. Bennaoui, F.M.R Maoulainine
Published: April 9, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i04.005
Pages: 267-273
Introduction: Breastfeeding your child after birth seems to be a natural gesture, however breastfeeding a newborn born to a mother with COVID-19 c is not always easy, although current data does not show any risk of transmission of the virus. COVID-19 disease through breast milk. The objective: was to assess the knowledge and practices of mothers in the post natural period about breastfeeding during the Covid-19 period. Materials and methods: The survey was conducted among women who delivered in the maternity of Mohamed VI university hospital of Marrakech using a pre-established questionnaire. Results: the study was carried out on 253 mothers. Only 25% had received education about breastfeeding and Special Precautions to be taken by mothers suspected or found to be positive for COVID-19, of which 10% was by health personnel. The husband had made part in 15%. 27.5% know that the virus is not transmitted through breast milk, 30% know that a mother affected by the COVID-19 virus can breastfeed, 22% know the precautions to be taken when breastfeeding if mothers affected of COVID-19 to avoid transmitting it to the baby, 25% know that The mother affected with the COVID-19 virus can touch their newborn baby and hug him. 70% respect the quarantine rules. And 90% of women have disinfection products in their homes. Conclusion: It is essential to sensitize, encourage and support new mothers suspected or proven positive for COVID-19 for breastfeeding, hence the interest of a well codified strategy.