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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-04
Importance of the Functional Biomarker FEF 25%-75% in the Evaluation of Children and Adolescents with Asthma Sensibilized to House Dust Mites
Davisson do Sacramento de Lucena Tavares, Cyro Teixeira da Silva Junior, Adriana Alvarez, Priscilla Filippo Alvim de Minas Santos, Bernardo Henrique Ferraz Maranhão, Selma Maria de Azevedo Sias
Published: April 21, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i04.017
Pages: 315-319
Introduction: The GINA and the ATS do not mention that the forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity (FEF 25%-75%) play importance in evaluation of airflow obstruction in asthma. Objectives: To investigate whether the evaluation of the FEF25%-75% in children and adolescents with asthma sensibilized to house dust mites (HDM) plays an important hole in airway obstruction from small airways. Methods. A retrospective study was done in Hospital Municipal Jesus (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Thirty-four children and adolescents with asthma were enrolled between January 2016 and December 2019. The FEIA (Immuno CAP®) was used to measure total and specific IgE antibodies to HDM. Standard reference value for small airways diseases with FEF 25%-75% was considered abnormal if below at 65% of predicted with FEV1/FVC ratio above or equal at 80%. Results. There was a significant difference between the mean ages of the sensitized (n=26; 9.8±2.53) and non-sensitized participants (n=8; 7.75±1.28) to HDM (P=0.0353). Male and female sexes were not significant in both groups (P=0.3698 and P=0.3298, respectively). If the FEF 25%-75% (L/s) was not valued in our study, 62% of sensitized participants (44.27±9.26) and 38% not sensitized (56.62±16.56) to HDM would be considered “according to normal reference values” (t=1.86; P=0.0719). Conclusions. The asthma in this study presented an obstructive respiratory disorder of small airways, regardless of a sensitization or a non-sensitization to HDM. The obstructive respiratory disorder of small airways was present, even with normal spirometry in the evaluation of large airways.