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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-04
The Effect of Educational Service Quality and Training Education Program Grade on Student Satisfaction: The Role of Corporate Brand Image as Variable Mediation and Trust as Variable Moderation
Agustina Setyaningsih, Markus Asta Patma Nugraha
Published: April 26, 2022 | 179 139
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2022.v08i04.001
Pages: 32-40
The main task of college institutions is to formulate a formulation that contains teaching materials, student expectations and business institutions/government institutions as users. Therefore, college institutions must be able to match what can be offered to students with what students expect from the educational services offered and users needs. This study uses a quantitative approach. Researchers involved 601 cadet students at the Shipping Polytechnic of West Sumatra. The results of this study are that there is a significant positive relationship between educational service quality variable and corporate brand image, there is a significant positive relationship between the variables of training education programs grade with corporate brand image, there is a significant positive relationship between the educational service quality variables and student satisfaction, there is no effect between the variable of training education program grade and student satisfaction, there is a significant positive relationship between the corporate brand image variable and student satisfaction, corporate brand image is not able to mediate the educational services quality on student satisfaction, corporate brand image is not able to mediate the educational programs quality on student satisfaction, there is a significant positive relationship between the student confidence variable and student satisfaction, student confidence is able to moderate the educational services quality on student satisfaction, student confidence is able to moderate the educational programs quality on student satisfaction, and student trust is not able to moderate corporate brand image on student satisfaction.