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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-08
Acute Gastric Volvulus at Adult Young
Riyad A, Louzi A, Rabbani K, Finech B
Published: Aug. 30, 2019 | 230 198
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2019.5.8.7
Pages: 339-342
Gastric volvulus is a rare entity, described for the first time by Berti in 1866 [1]. The most complete definition of the gastric volvulus, used until today was introduced by Hilleman's in 1955 [2]. Therefore, gastric volvulus is defined by an abnormal rotation of all or part of the stomach, creating a condition of a high occlusion with gastric dilatation and a high risk of strangulation. Considered as a surgical emergency in its acute form, it can meet at any age but seems more common in the elderly most likely due to ligament laxity [1]. The symptomatology is nonspecific making the diagnosis difficult. We report the observation of a gastric volvulus in a 21-year-old boy, suspected clinically radiologically and confirmed intraoperatively. The treatment was surgical consisting of a detorsion and fixation to prevent recurrence